Bus Conductor and Driver Killed this Baby

According to the father's account, this happened on a Friday night at about 9:00 PM when the baby and her mum had boarded a bus from the second gate of the Benue State University, Makurdi, to Coca Cola Junction, a popular spot along that road
When she got to her destination and wanted to alight from the bus,the baby's mum gave the conductor 200 Naira and was supposed to be given a balance of 150 Naira, but because she and her baby we're the only passengers left in d bus, they attempted driving away without giving her the balance.

In the process, the frustrated mother grabbed the conductor that was already on a moving vehicle, with her baby at her back. She unfortunately lost balance and fell down and was dragged on the road until the baby fell off her back in between the back wheels, which crushed the baby on the stomach leading to her instant death.

Helpless and crying while sitting in front of her lifeless child, the driver and conductor drove away.

Please, don't read without typing RIP, except you never grew as a child.
