Ritual Killings: Three Female Victims Dismembered (Photos)

The photos you are viewing are the remains of ladies who were victims of ritual killings.
These victims were once bubbling with life in the fast lane. They believed the power to wealth lies in their animal magnetism and vagina but they got more than bargained for. They met their doom in hands of evil men who did the unthinkable to them.

This should serve as a note of warning to all women to look inwards and tap from the faculty of their inner resource to be better off in life rather than prostituting their bodies for money.

For what shall it profit you if you bought that iphone, that designer bag, that posh house, that exotic car, that expensive Brazilian hair, that fat bank account, that sophisticated clique of friends but lose your life?

The dignity in labour will give you a better sense of gratification.Think about this and share to save more lives out there because someone will still stand by the road side tonight waiting for a client.

Please share if you care.
