Watch & Download Leaked Sextape Of Congo- Brazzaville President’s Daughter ”Julienne Sassou Nguesso”

 Congo-Brazzaville’s President’s daughter, Claudia Sassou Nguesso was recently involved in a blackmail scandal and when she refused to oblige her blackmailer, he released her s*x tape.
s*x tape of Congo-Brazaville
Claudia, 50, is married to a lawyer but she kept a side-dude. Her boyfriend recorded a video of them having s*x, but he made sure his face did not show, then he threatened to release it if she does not give him the sum of $50,000 US dollars.
s*x tape of Congo-Brazaville When Claudia refused, the boyfriend went on to share the s*x tape online and as expected, it has gone viral.

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